Product Development
7.26–8.1|The new home page is now live, featuring better design, smoother user experience, and faster page loading
7.26–8.1|Added core stats including TVL on the TRON network and stablecoin transactions, etc
7.26–8.1|Optimized services like resource management, information inquiry and data analysis, etc. on the TRON network
Operation Update
7.26–8.1|Number of TRON accounts exceeded 49 million
7.26–8.1|Number of new accounts registered on TRON every day reached an all-time high
7.26–8.1|Addressed feedback from 30 users on Help Center
7.26–8.1|Collected and answered questions from the community
7.26–8.1|703 token entries
7.26–8.1|Twitter followers: 33319
7.26–8.1|English community: 20367