I. Product Development
1.Optimize the display of contract list
To make inquiries easier for users, the display of all contracts will be optimized.
2. Shorten the duration from when a transaction is made to when it can be inquired on TRONSCAN
To reduce waiting time and to improve inquiry efficiency, TRONSCAN will speed up the display of transactions by making it available only a few seconds after each transaction takes place.
3. Optimize the processing approach for token logos
TRONSCAN planned to improve the uploading and display approach of token logos, making it more friendly to users and projects.
4. Included 16 new tokens this week
This week, 12 TRC10 tokens and 4 TRC20 tokens were included.
II. Operation Update
1. The 4th TRONSCAN Quiz campaign was successfully held
To further familiarize users with TRONSCAN, the fourth round of TRONSCAN Quiz was held in the official Telegram group on July 26 at 23:00 (SGT). With smart contract being the topic, the questions of the quiz were all related to smart contract and twelve users won the prize. Please join our Telegram community to be part of the discussion and win prizes. For more information, visit https://t.me/tronscan_org.
2. The celebration over the launch of the contract verification & deployment feature
To celebrate the launch of the contract verification and deployment feature, TRONSCAN held a retweet lucky draw campaign on Twitter. The 5 winners are @DemonKingFukai、@AliAlcantara19、@PLAY_GOC、@Red112527 and @DellMember. Follow @TRONSCAN_ORG, our official Twitter account, for more campaigns in the future.
3.Key issue for this week: How to apply to get tokens listed by TRXMarket on TRONSCAN
The TRXMarket on TRONSCAN is run by the TRXMarket team, and you need to fill in the TRXMarket Final Evaluation form and submit it to them. For any questions on token listing, you may submit a request to TRXMarket or join its Telegram community for further information.