I. Product Development
1. Homepage optimization
Added more charts to the homepage (under testing).
2. Global optimization
Optimized the alignment and font of the global list to offer a better visual experience (under testing).
3. Requirements evaluation
Reviewed the optimization requirements of wallet, account and chart modules (completed).
4. New requirements
Write optimization requirements regarding sending tokens in batches, transaction detail semantization and global pop-up (ongoing).
II. Operation Update
1. TRONSCAN announced official integration with BTFS
TRONSCAN announced official integration with BTFS and joined in building the next-generation decentralized storage network.
2. Key issue of the week: when submitting votes for SRs on TRONSCAN, I got a pop-up message saying “something went wrong while submitting your votes. Please try again later”. What should I do?
First you need to make sure the node you are connected to is Mainnet (trongrid); second, make sure you have Internet access, then refresh the page and try voting again.
3. 29 new token entries this week
12 TRC10 tokens and 17 TRC20 tokens were entered this week.