I. Product Development
- Visual redesign of TRONSCAN is 30% completed.
To improve the UI aesthetics and usability of TRONSCAN, we are redesigning our website. The new version will be launched soon. Stay tuned.
2. CSV download optimization is 20% completed.
The CSV-enabled download will be available in the following pages for easier access to transaction information.
Account > transfers, transactions, internal transactions
Token > token transfers
Contract> transactions, internal transactions
3. Plan of contract verification and deployment has been confirmed.
To provide a more user-friendly experience for developers, TRONSCAN will add the feature of contract verification and deployment. This feature is expected to be completed and launched this month. Stay tuned.
II. Operation Update
1. Plan to launch regular TRONSCAN Quiz campaign.
To help users to be more familiar with TRONSCAN, we plan to launch quizzes every Friday in TRONSCAN official Telegram group. The quizzes center on the points introduced in TRONSCAN Class and offer 1000TRX to participants every week. Feel free to join our Telegram community to share with others your thoughts and join the campaign to earn rewards, go to https://t.me/TRONSCAN_org
2. TRONSCAN CLASS released three articles.
The three articles for the past week: How to Issue a TRC10 Token on TRONSCAN; How to Update Your Token on TRONSCAN; How to Send and Receive Tokens on TRONSCAN. They are of great use in getting users familiarized with token use on TRONSCAN.
3. Key issues for this week: Why I can’t update my token and what to do with transaction error in TRXMarket on TRONSCAN
What to do with failure in updating my token: The failure may be caused by auto-detected sensitive information with the issued token, please contact our technical support at the page: https://support.TRONSCAN.org/hc/en-us/requests/new
What to do with transaction error in TRXMarket on TRONSCAN: We would like to inform you that TRONSCAN does not operate the TRXMarket page, instead, it is run by TRXMarket team. TRONSCAN is but a port for TRXMarket. Should any problems arise while using TRXMarket on TRONSCAN, we refer you to go to TRXMarket technical support in the page: https://support.trx.market/hc/en-us/requests/new