I. Product Development
1. Homepage optimization
Adjustment to the layout of the navigation bar (in development).
2. Data module optimization
Statistics on TRX-holding accounts (in development).
3. SR module optimization
New feature enabling SRs to raise and vote for proposals on TRONSCAN (in development).
4. Contract module optimization
Higher precision of data on contract Energy consumption (in development).
II. Operation Update
1. Released a series of tutorials on multi-signature
We have released 4 tutorials to help users get started with TRONSCAN‘s new multi-signature feature. Click the link to view them:https://medium.com/me/stories/public
2. Key issue of the week: Why can’t I find the Help Center?
Help Center on TRONSCAN is temporarily unavailable for special reasons. We have contacted the service provider to address the issue and the service will soon be resumed. Until then, users can join our Telegram group for help: https://t.me/tronscan_org
3. 13 new token entries this week
6 TRC10 tokens and 7 TRC20 tokens were entered this week.