TRONSCAN Weekly Report | Dec 07–Dec 13, 2020

Dec 15, 2020


I. Product Development

Work in progress:

1. TRONSCAN released notice on disabling “Import and Create Wallet” feature (released)

2. Test optimization on token record feature (on-going)

Requirement Review:

1. Reviewed the requirement on notification function (completed)

2. Improved the result-matching logic of global search (completed)

New Requirement:

1. Fine-tuned the one-click blockchain function (completed)

2. Provided details on popular contract transactions (completed)

3. Optimized the logic for Dex transaction data (completed)

4. Provided details on contracts and contract calls (completed)

II. Operation Update

1. Number of accounts on TRON exceed 16 million

2. Addressed Help Center feedback from 38 users

3. Collected and answered questions from the community

4. Entered 289 tokens




Written by TRONSCAN

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