I. Product Development
1. Optimized token logo processing method
Token logo processing method for token entry has been optimized and delivered for testing. When the optimized version is launched, users can update token logos by uploading images directly.
2. Completed the optimization of contract verification & deployment feature
TRONSCAN has completed the optimization of contract verification & deployment feature. The new feature, now under testing, will support multi-contract deployment & verification with just one click after it is launched.
3. UI redesign of 404 error page being reviewed
To better user experience, TRONSCAN has been redesigning the UI of 404 error page. The redesign is now being reviewed.
II. Operation Update
1. The 6th TRONSCAN Quiz was successfully held
To further familiarize users with TRONSCAN, the 6th TRONSCAN Quiz was successfully held in the official Telegram group at 23:00 (SGT), on Aug 9, 2019. Questions in the quiz were related to TRON and TRONSCAN so that users can better understand the TRON ecosystem. Join our Telegram community to discuss with others and win rewards. For more information, visit https://t.me/tronscan_org.
2. Key issues of the week: 1) What should I do if tokens are sent to a contract address by mistake? 2)
Why is it my contract is working as usual but I cannot verify?
What should I do if tokens are sent to a contract address by mistake?
Transactions made on blockchains cannot be changed or revoked due to the decentralization feature of blockchain. Therefore, tokens sent to a contract address cannot be retrieved. Please double-check if all related information is correct before you make a transfer. Do not mistake a contract address for a personal account address.
Why is it my contract is working as usual but I cannot verify?
TRONSCAN is aware of the problem which has now been fixed. Contract verification will return to normal once we finish the testing. In the meantime, please be patient with us.
3. Included 16 new tokens this week
In the past week, 7 TRC-10 tokens and 9 TRC-20 tokens were included.