I. Product Development
1. Wallet optimization
Updated the web wallet (tested and ready to launch).
2. Requirements evaluation
Reviewed the optimization requirements of homepage, token and contract modules (completed).
3. SR module optimization
Optimized the script for the notice “apply to be an SR” (released).
4. New requirements
Added a voting reward calculator (completed).
II. Operation Update
1. Number of TRON accounts exceeded 8.5 million
According to the latest statistics on TRONSCAN, the total number of accounts on TRON has surpassed 8.5 million, indicating that more and more users are coming to the TRON ecosystem.
2. Key issue of the week: how do I unfreeze TRX and update token information on the new account page?
You can click “Resources” on the left side of the account page to unfreeze TRX, and click on “Record a token” to update token information.
3. 144 new token entries this week
15 TRC10 tokens and 129 TRC20 tokens were entered this week.