Product Development
8.16–8.22|The “Search by token” feature has been enabled so that users can know the balance of a specific token on the Account Detail Page, and users now can screen transaction history by senders/recipients
8.16–8.22|Users are now able to see nodes that have not voted on the proposal page
8.16–8.22|Submitted Proposals#53, #59, #61 and #62 on network parameters
Operation Update
8.16–8.22|Number of TRON accounts exceeded 50 million
8.16–8.22|Addressed feedback from 30 users on Help Center
8.16–8.22|Collected and answered questions from the community
8.16–8.22|501 token entries
8.16–8.22|Twitter followers: 34151
8.16–8.22|English community: 19938